Friday, July 18, 2008

My Version of Our Adventure...

Okay, So Michele wasn't the only one who took photos during our shared are a few from my perspective...sometimes a little fuzzier...depending on what how much I had to drink before I snapped the shots...check out the Moulin Rouge shot I Took !! :)


Michele Maddix said...

Nice Deb. Add away! Since I haven't made time to comment on any of mine lately, they are probably a bit uninteresting when you don't know what it is you're looking out. Nice, Moulin Rouge

Anonymous said...

Hey Mic,

I hope I didn't put a damper on your posting...I really liked what you were doing and know you have lots more to show. They were interesting to me.

Oh well!

Take care


Michele Maddix said...

no you didn't. i've just been busy doing some other stuff. i'm loading the pictures on walmart's photo center to have them developed and sent to me. and it takes a bit of time to load them all. and i've worked a bit of overtime lately. so i haven't been around to put all the pictures on. plus i am trying to get some studying done for my fall tests. and of course i have to stop and play with the kitten...a requirement every day to keep her from keeping me awake at night, which, mind you, does not always work. so i have been getting interrupted sleep. this morning i actually slept through my alarm that rings for 4 minutes (1 type of ring for each minute, each progressively more annoying than the previous one). i was dead to the world. Annabelle had kept me up late and then wanted to play at 5 AM. I tried ignoring her. No such luck, she kept trying to bite my feet. So I put her out of the room and listened to her whine for at least 45 min. then she finally stopped and found something else to do and i fell back to sleep. it was 5 min to 10 when i finally woke up. not a very conducive schedule for getting things accomplished.

Michele Maddix said...

but i DO love having my kitten despite the feeling i have a 2 year old living with me all over again. you constantly have to check to see what sort of trouble she is getting into.

Michele Maddix said...

and NOW she wants to sleep near my feet.

actually I do have nights (not quite every other night) when she will sleep the whole night through right next to me on the bed. on those nights i have to be careful not to roll over on her and squash her. so i am not really sleeping then either. ha ha ha. but loving her, nonetheless.

Michele Maddix said...

and she helps to keep me from moments when i might be lonely, because she is either constantly into something or wants to be held by me or played with. she takes my mind off myself, which is good. but, man!, we gotta work out something with the sleep.