Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Introducing Annabelle

A bit of a departure from the trip to introduce the newest addition to the family. Her mommy and she were found in a house that was abandonned because it had been foreclosed on. She had one sibling, but the poor thing was already dead when Annabelle and her mom were found by the real estate agent. Poor things. She is quite a happy little kitty now though. She's not a cuddler, so I am told by the lady who gave her to us. But she is very young (2 months) and fully of energy. I expect that like most cats she will calm down once she gets older and maybe get more cuddly. She does, however, like to lie right against you when she wants to sleep. So she IS a bit of a cuddler; she just isn't keen on being held to be cuddled. I just love her.

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