Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Starting Out...June 24, 2008

With our luggage loaded in the trunk, Chantelle and Alex pose for me in front of the limo I hired for this once-in-a-lifetime chance. We were all psyched to go, and I was happy to leave the driving to someone else.

In the limo and on the way...

At Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport, Dorval, Quebec, with yet a couple of hours of waiting ahead of us. I scheduled the limo to pick us up at 5p, but the flight didn't take off until 9:40p. If I hadn't scheduled it so early, I would have run into a delay somewhere, knowing my luck, and missed our flight.

Boy, was the flight EVER long. Poor Alex, being the 5'9" that he is, found out that the window seat wasn't the best choice after a 5 hr and 40 min flight. His knees were quite stiff. He has opted for the aisle seat on the way back.

Nonetheless the British Airways personnel were exceptionally attentive and made the flight as comfortable to all as possible. We arrived at 9:05a British time. (FYI the actual time difference between Plattsburgh and England is 5 hours, so it is presently 8:40pm here.

More to follow...

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