Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I can't believe the access I've had

I am glad to finally get some solid Net access time to be able to post. And it is really fun being able to share these sights with all of you while we're here visiting. We have to go out shortly to get the tickets for the attractions we are going to see in London this coming Saturday. We're going to try to spend the day there. Deb wants to take a tour bus in from Mildenhall, because the traffic is a nightmare. But NOTHING like in Paris. You all would not believe the way they drive in Paris...I'll elaborate later on.

It is just before 2pm British time right now.

Also, it is very frequently windy here and in Paris. So, you will love the coiffure it gave Chantelle and I throughout our travels. I probably should have waited to get my hair cut so short. I can just barely put it back out of my face. Chantelle's kerchief helps to keep hers out of her eyes.

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