Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Uh oh...

I think I have gotten some type of poison ivy on my left arm. I see the telltale bumps it produces on the crease of my left arm at the crook of the elbow. The only place I think I could have done that was at the place we went yesterday, Warwick castle, which I will write about further on in the blog.

I'll have to see if Deb has something to take care of this. It would suck royally (no pun intended) to have to spend time waiting in a hospital just to get something for poison ivy. Anyway, yesterday, walking back to the car after visiting the castle, I walked off the path to the parking lot because the kids had gone into a part of the parking that we were not parked in and I was trying to get them to get back on the path. The lot and the path were separated by bushes, and I think I must have rub against one of them. So maybe it is more like sumac or poison oak. Who knows.

Deb says that there are these things called Stinging Nettles all over the place here. It is a plant with burr-like things on it and if you get pricked by one of them it causes a tingling sensation in the affected area that lasts quite a long time (days, I think she said). Here's a picture I found on the Net of some.


Unknown said...

stinging nettles- they are all over the mountains here...and yes they hurt- it starts out as mildly annoying and then down right intolerable!

Michele Maddix said...

i never knew those grew here. shows you how much i know about the flora of the north country and shows even more how much i am not out in that flora :)