Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Overlook all the errors

I know there must be lots of spelling and typing errors. Just overlook them. My goal is to get as much on here while I can get some access to the Net. So accuracy isn't a priority right now, and you will all get the gist anyway.

Off to bed. It is nearly 1a here. Oh and the time at the bottom of each post is off by 3 hours Plattsburgh time. I think it is behind 3 hours, not forward 3. But i am too tired to double check that at the moment.

More from me later, folks.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Shelly - Love all the pictures, it was like we were there. I'm so proud of you - get those kids to smile, hope they had a good time. Miss you lots and can't wait to get back to the burgh.
Becky Finn