Friday, September 8, 2017

Passing Pok-o-Moonshine

My guidepost in the Rondacks fair
Lead me home again
Along the gray and winding path
Through dale and hill and glen

A loving friend lay at your knee
Mirroring your form
Chaste Butternut, her surface calm,
Beneath the brewing storm

You gaze at her, with chiseled look
Stern, your countenance
But soften as you see in her
Your rigid governance

She is your one and only love
Biding all the while
Beneath the falling autumn leaves
She’ll win your every trial

The two shall never cease to be
Companions e’ermore
For who can quell what’s in your souls
which none hath heretofore?

Clearing in the Gold

Beyond the bend there waits for us a clearing in the gold
Filled with scents and sounds and sights, a glory to behold
When reached that spot we’ll breathe in deep and feel profound relief
Thankful to our Gracious Lord we held to our belief

Mockingbird on Cedar Tall

Oh, Mockingbird on cedar tall
From your perch observing all
Speak to me of him I love
Watch over him from up above

Gray, demure, you channel me
Through your eyes please let me see
The one I cannot see myself
Secluded here on history’s shelf

Sing softly for his listening ear
A song from me you must endear
To manly heart within his breast
Of love I have so long suppressed

A note from you might act as seed
To promptly make his heart concede
What knows he dwells within its realm
And let our love soon take the helm

Brook the Brunt

Return, return from whence you came
He’s not the one that you should blame
If loathe you here the life you bear
Then leave.  I’ll love him.  This I swear.

For you’ve been given life that’s well
Your home, this land in which you dwell
He’s not the one should brook the brunt
Or slave as if he were your grunt

So rid yourself of country wide
And steadfast by him I’ll abide
You oughtn’t have had him anyway
No longer must you us delay

One Sows One Reaps

I had a conversation with the past
And thus she spoke to me
Take care the tender heart you hold
Else it may want to flee

Though fortified it seems without
It’s fragile more than known
A carelessness could lay it low
Its loss you’ll then bemoan

So in kid gloves please cradle it
And it will grow in leaps
He’ll give you all the love you’ll want
For what one sows one reaps

Through My Pen

Lord, the plan you’ve laid for me
Is difficult as it can be
But I know You will bring me through
With love all-powerful and true

Please guide me in a patient wait
‘Til I arrive at Glory’s gate
And if I see him not ‘til then
Let my love lift him through my pen

Saturday, September 2, 2017


There once was a gal so love-needy
Whose man from afar was named Petey
She said “Hey, Petey boy
I am not just some toy.
So you'd best '¡Andale!' just like Speedy” ;)


As if it never happened
More and more apart we drift
Will there never come a moment
When you finally fix the rift

It’s up to you, you know it
Since you pushed me away
Though I’ve longed to be beside you
Each and every passing day

You go on with your life
As if I never did exist
No acknowledgement of a love
On which you did insist

You claimed to feel a bond
Which you knew I also shared
But outwardly you’ve acted
As if you never cared

Perhaps that is the truth
And you faked some special care
So I’d look like a fool
Like I’d imagined this affair

You surely had me going
Believing in your heart
But you made me doubt your honesty
With your keeping us apart

Affair I called this tawdry link
Though never such a thing
For we never met in secret
You just kept me on a string

Promises you made a lot
When you really meant not one
So this affair was over
Long before it had begun

My Sweet Muse

There recurred these two dreams
In my days as a girl
Which played over and over again
In my juvenile mind
I could not figure out
Exactly what their meaning had been

The one of red shoes,
Small and flat Mary Janes
I’d wake up believing them mine
When I’d open the door
To the closet I shared
Not one pair of these shoes in the nine

The other, so different
A man in my life
Whose face was always a blur
With his hairline so black
As he spoke in strange tongue
Which in me made my heart stir

As I grew older
The one had been sated
The first time I had bought some red shoes
But the other for years
Still eluded my grasp
Until the day you became my sweet muse

Companion Soul

Of all the places that you’ve been
That you should land up here
A little town of no report
That blessed, fateful year

Little known what lay ahead
A treasure to unearth
But no one yet had chipped the coal
To find such diamond’s worth

Sincerity my chisel sharp
Had cut beneath the char
Of lovers past who valued less
Your soul’s most brilliant star

I’d always hoped such men were real
But had begun to doubt
Until my eyes had opened wide
And my heart became more stout

I found in you a man so rare
Who’d stepped right from my dream
And felt with your companion soul
That love began to teem

Though years have kept us far apart
And time has cast its spell
Deny I can’t, you’re in my being
Forever there to dwell

If you don't want him

If you don’t want him, I’ll take him
To have and to hold as my own
I’ll feel myself lucky, a winner
And all of my love he’ll be shown

If you don’t want him, I’ll take him
He is simply perfect for me
I’ve loved and adored him forever
So why don’t you just set him free?

If you don’t want him, I’ll take him
I know how to love such a man
If you can’t stand him, don’t worry
Cuz, honey, I’m certain I can!

If you don’t want him, I’ll take him
But you’re making a costly mistake
For I know what he has deep inside him
And I’d wager my heart for his sake

So, if you don’t want him, I’ll take him
And don’t you dare ask for him back
Cuz he’ll be all mine for the taking
Now hurry and give him the sack!

My Grail

The Taj Mahal doesn’t even come close
To the treasure it holds inside
I will pick away at the locks that bar
And will try everything untried

It’s a fortress really, that steel trunk
A formidable foe it be
If it takes forever, I will pry it loose
Even if just by degree

I will not stop, ‘til I see it full
And can clasp it with all of my might
The task won’t be easy, I already know
But if must, I’ll continue to fight

You see, that trove under lock and key
Is my grail, my life-long crusade
I will capture his heart and help it stay put
In our love we will then barricade

The lesson to learn is of firm diligence
Despite all the highs and the lows
If you see to the end and your purpose is true
You will win, the Lord Our God knows

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Migration of Thought

To balmy clime from wintery grip
You’ve traveled to and fro
And every time you made the trip
My heart would follow so

Back and forth your venturing
Had wisened the naïve
Thus assuaged indenturing
My heart upon its sleeve

You travel where I cannot pass
You also form duration
Of moments when I must amass
My heart for new migration

As I Sojourn

Turn a corner, see anew
Perspectives I’ve been wasting
Let the flavors then accrue
A sample for my tasting

Honored Guest

Hello, step in, and sit right down
Glad to have you come around
Let me offer you a drink
A bite to eat, now, let me think

When was the last we had a chat
A little talk of this and that
It seems forever since we spoke
Or shared a tale, a laugh, a joke

We’ve fallen out of touch it’s true
Time for a coffee or a brew
Please let me make just one request
To finally be your honored guest

Mi vida eres tú

Looking through old photos
I can’t stop the flow of tears
As I see you less and less
Throughout the passing years

I can only sit and wonder
How your life goes on sin mí
And every day’s an exercise
In life without esprit

When will come our moment
To make one life from two?
When will you finally realize?
Mi vida eres tú

Upon a Swell

What could it be that you possess
It captives, I must confess
A turn of phrase, a shift of thought
The gale in which my soul is caught

Your word reflects an ancient rhyme
That bends the light against the shine
Like setting sun upon a swell
To stave off melancholy's yell


The stories of a coastal life once told to me
Come flowing back upon a reverie
'long blistering shores of sprawling northern lake.
Fond memories I never will forsake.

A gentle breeze, though salty not it be,
Brings whispers of that past comradery,
Where anecdotes of distant youth abound
Of joyful times with closest friends around.

The white sails spike up through the steely hue,
As pricks of sentiment such daydreams oft imbue.
And I, reposed on sultry grain-ed beach,
Am jarred from thought by memories of our breach.

Reverie 2

As couples walk and children play
The waves a gentle, easy sway
The beach the same, my thoughts are too
And all I do is think of you

The closest heat I get to passion
Is sweltering clime of this same fashion
Relief from it that never dawns
Tethered strongly to your bonds

Oh when will sweet release arrive
To loose its grip and me revive
This agony must surely end
And with it our connection mend

Rare Sighting

The slow approach to autumn’s chill
Finds me deliberating still
The glide to humid midday lull
And morning’s edifying cull

Amid the haze of white and gray
Rare sighting to which thought does stray
In contemplation’s scope I’m held
Of needing life's essential meld


Reminders of what used to be
Away with thought do carry me
And safely written by to keep
To treasure when I want to weep
They once existed, yes they did
Despite your wont to keep them hid
But I know that they did indeed
No matter if you have their need