Saturday, September 2, 2017

My Grail

The Taj Mahal doesn’t even come close
To the treasure it holds inside
I will pick away at the locks that bar
And will try everything untried

It’s a fortress really, that steel trunk
A formidable foe it be
If it takes forever, I will pry it loose
Even if just by degree

I will not stop, ‘til I see it full
And can clasp it with all of my might
The task won’t be easy, I already know
But if must, I’ll continue to fight

You see, that trove under lock and key
Is my grail, my life-long crusade
I will capture his heart and help it stay put
In our love we will then barricade

The lesson to learn is of firm diligence
Despite all the highs and the lows
If you see to the end and your purpose is true
You will win, the Lord Our God knows

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