Saturday, September 2, 2017


There once was a gal so love-needy
Whose man from afar was named Petey
She said “Hey, Petey boy
I am not just some toy.
So you'd best '¡Andale!' just like Speedy” ;)


As if it never happened
More and more apart we drift
Will there never come a moment
When you finally fix the rift

It’s up to you, you know it
Since you pushed me away
Though I’ve longed to be beside you
Each and every passing day

You go on with your life
As if I never did exist
No acknowledgement of a love
On which you did insist

You claimed to feel a bond
Which you knew I also shared
But outwardly you’ve acted
As if you never cared

Perhaps that is the truth
And you faked some special care
So I’d look like a fool
Like I’d imagined this affair

You surely had me going
Believing in your heart
But you made me doubt your honesty
With your keeping us apart

Affair I called this tawdry link
Though never such a thing
For we never met in secret
You just kept me on a string

Promises you made a lot
When you really meant not one
So this affair was over
Long before it had begun

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