Friday, September 8, 2017

Clearing in the Gold

Beyond the bend there waits for us a clearing in the gold
Filled with scents and sounds and sights, a glory to behold
When reached that spot we’ll breathe in deep and feel profound relief
Thankful to our Gracious Lord we held to our belief

Mockingbird on Cedar Tall

Oh, Mockingbird on cedar tall
From your perch observing all
Speak to me of him I love
Watch over him from up above

Gray, demure, you channel me
Through your eyes please let me see
The one I cannot see myself
Secluded here on history’s shelf

Sing softly for his listening ear
A song from me you must endear
To manly heart within his breast
Of love I have so long suppressed

A note from you might act as seed
To promptly make his heart concede
What knows he dwells within its realm
And let our love soon take the helm

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