Saturday, September 2, 2017

My Sweet Muse

There recurred these two dreams
In my days as a girl
Which played over and over again
In my juvenile mind
I could not figure out
Exactly what their meaning had been

The one of red shoes,
Small and flat Mary Janes
I’d wake up believing them mine
When I’d open the door
To the closet I shared
Not one pair of these shoes in the nine

The other, so different
A man in my life
Whose face was always a blur
With his hairline so black
As he spoke in strange tongue
Which in me made my heart stir

As I grew older
The one had been sated
The first time I had bought some red shoes
But the other for years
Still eluded my grasp
Until the day you became my sweet muse

Companion Soul

Of all the places that you’ve been
That you should land up here
A little town of no report
That blessed, fateful year

Little known what lay ahead
A treasure to unearth
But no one yet had chipped the coal
To find such diamond’s worth

Sincerity my chisel sharp
Had cut beneath the char
Of lovers past who valued less
Your soul’s most brilliant star

I’d always hoped such men were real
But had begun to doubt
Until my eyes had opened wide
And my heart became more stout

I found in you a man so rare
Who’d stepped right from my dream
And felt with your companion soul
That love began to teem

Though years have kept us far apart
And time has cast its spell
Deny I can’t, you’re in my being
Forever there to dwell

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