Saturday, August 26, 2017

Upon a Swell

What could it be that you possess
It captives, I must confess
A turn of phrase, a shift of thought
The gale in which my soul is caught

Your word reflects an ancient rhyme
That bends the light against the shine
Like setting sun upon a swell
To stave off melancholy's yell


The stories of a coastal life once told to me
Come flowing back upon a reverie
'long blistering shores of sprawling northern lake.
Fond memories I never will forsake.

A gentle breeze, though salty not it be,
Brings whispers of that past comradery,
Where anecdotes of distant youth abound
Of joyful times with closest friends around.

The white sails spike up through the steely hue,
As pricks of sentiment such daydreams oft imbue.
And I, reposed on sultry grain-ed beach,
Am jarred from thought by memories of our breach.

Reverie 2

As couples walk and children play
The waves a gentle, easy sway
The beach the same, my thoughts are too
And all I do is think of you

The closest heat I get to passion
Is sweltering clime of this same fashion
Relief from it that never dawns
Tethered strongly to your bonds

Oh when will sweet release arrive
To loose its grip and me revive
This agony must surely end
And with it our connection mend

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