Monday, August 30, 2010

Activity journal

This blog seems to have unintentionally morphed into a sort of activity journal on my way toward avoiding Type 2 diabetes.

I went out for a walk today. I figured that since I had to fill a prescription and that my pharmacy is Rite Aid up on Route 3, I would kill two birds with one stone if I walked to the pharmacy. I dropped of the prescription and didn't wait to have it filled. Instead, walked to KFC for lunch, mindful of doing my best to eat as healthy as possible there. I think I did pretty well, considering all the fat-saturated choices they have there.

After lunch I walked over to Aldi Food Market. I have not been in that store since before they moved into their new building, some time ago. I was very pleasantly to find that their produce there was really good looking. Better than Walmart's, which is notoriously and consistently unappetizing. Once in awhile you'll find some sort of decent produce, but more often than not you won't. Their meats are the same. The prices on the produce at Aldi were good too. The only drawback is bring cash only, because they don't take credit cards. At least, last I knew they didn't. I didn't ask. It looked like everyone was paying with cash. (You know, if I were a criminal, and wanted to rob some place for quick cash, that would be the place. Hope I don't have any criminals reading my blog.)

I bought some bananas and two tins of sardines. The bananas because I had gone their looking to get some fruit and the sardines because they had some packed in spring water, rather than oil or tomato sauce and the price was right.

On my way home I walked by the pond at the college and coming back up Beekman Street toward Bailey Avenue, I saw the view below.

Aren't they gorgeous? I captured the pic with my phone's camera. I didn't bring my camera with me, because I didn't think I would see anything I would want to take a picture of. I guess I was wrong. I will have to bring my camera with me each time so that I don't miss getting some good shots while I trapse around town.

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