Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So yesterday when I went for my semi-annual checkup, at which my doctor reviews my bloodwork results (also semi-annually), he told me that I had all the factors present for pre-diabetes except a high blood pressure. I was certainly not expecting that to come out of his mouth. He told me about this program that the New York State Health Department and the YMCA have collaborated on to identify people in my position, who, if they do not change their diet and life style (in my case it being way too sedentary), are likely to end up among the 83% of people who proceed from pre-diabetes to Type 2 Diabetes. WHOA! Ok, that was sufficient enough information to scare me into action. Thus, this morning, at 6:45am, I stepped out my door for a 30-minute walk. I have to start somewhere, and now is better than later. Much better in this case.

Anyway, the program he recommended me for offers a free 16-week membership to the Y and you have to go to some group meeting once a week. They give you this start up kit with things like a pedometer and mearusign spoons and cups and several sample menus, etc. There are only 10 YMCA centers across the state currently implementing this program and Plattsburgh is one of them, only they only have 7 people (me being the 7th...lucky number, must be a sign..heh heh) and they want a minimum of 12 to begin the classes. Until then, I cannot just sit on my keester. Hence, the early rise and walk this a.m.

I had brought my Ipod along, of course, and was listening to the shuffled tunes...everything from Mozart to Rey Ruiz (Corazón arrepentido)to Heart to Stevie Wonder. The song of Stevie Wonder's that came on was
"All I Do", which I haven't heard in I cannot tell you how long, despite it being on my Ipod. I had the song in my mind all day, while my kids were in Vermont for one of Alex's orthodontist appointments, crossing the ferry, lunching at Chili's, and right after I woke of from the hour-long nap I so desperately needed after having gotten up at the near-crack of dawn. I decided I wanted to see the video of the song, but could not find the commercial music video for it on YouTube. However, what I did find was the unexpected gem of a video below of a concert he did in the UK during which he performed the song. The concert appears to be on DVD and is called Stevie Wonder: Live at Last - A Wonder Summer's Night. From the clips of it on YouTube, it looks to have been one wonderful concern. (Of course, pun intended.) Here's the video:

He's another person I would like to see in concert. Hmm, I wonder if he is doing or planning on doing any tours. I'll have to look into that.

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