Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Fuzz's first stroll

I finally got around to putting the pet stroller together that I bought for Annabelle. It was very easy, no tools required. All in all, I think our first adventure together went very smoothly. In fact, when I first unzipped the compartment for her to get in and put her blanket in there she jumped right in. I had loaded her in the kitchen then carried her down my back stairs in the stroller and away we went. It is very lightweight and doesn't roll smoothly without her in it. But once in there, she evened out the weight distribution and it worked fine. I got some very odd looks from passers-by, but being considered different or odd was never something that ever concerned me much. I do what pleases me, whether others think it uncommon or not. I like whatever and whomever I like without basing my opinions on what others may like or may think. I figure that if others should find me a riveting topic of their conversation then they cannot possibly be talking about others at the very same time.

So regardless of others, I think my cat is damned cute in her stroller and it makes me know she is safe and able to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine (albeit in a limited fashion).

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