Thursday, September 9, 2010


It is strange. I go through periods of my life, sometimes long, sometimes short, in which I find there is a particular song that plays frequently during that period. They aren't always one period after another. Sometimes there is a break between one and the next one. That break can also be long, or it can be short. I remember back in high school my boyfriend at the time had not long been moved away to Swasiland in Africa when the song Africa, by Toto, began playing on the radio. And, it seems, at times when I least expected it, simultaneously being moments when I missed him dearly (and had no expectation of him moving back to the Western hemisphere), the song would play and cheer me up.

Other songs reminded me of periods in my life too or of none. Sometimes songs would play that would have nothing but a tenuous connect to anything in my life. Some of the songs that fit into one category or the other were: You're The Inspiration (Chigago), Babe (Styx), Michelle (The Beatles) -- this of course, is a lifelong musical thread in my life. It used to be I couldn't stand the song. If I heard one more out-of-tune person, who fancied himself a comedian sing that song... If only I had imposed a tariff of a dollar payable at time of each infraction by all those would-be crooners out there who have chanced the oh-so-original replication of the famed: Michelle, ma bella... they never knew the rest of it. But one day, I actually paid closer attention to the song and fell in love with it! Continuing the list is Hello (Lionel Richie), I Will Remember You (Sara McLachlan and a multitude of other songs I was destined to have fade from my memory.

The lastest song in this innumerable list is the following:

YouTube wouldn't let me embed the original music video by Roxette (the embedding feature was disabled for that one), which is almost always my preferred version when posting videos, so I chose this one that some YouTube member made. It's pretty and goes well with the song. I must have heard this song no less than 10 times in the last couple of days, and on various radio stations, which is even stranger. And that is typically how the periods of song repetition begin.

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