Sunday, June 1, 2008

Photos of (Unca) Keith & Family

Hi Again!

We hope you all enjoy these latest pictures of our little family. They've all pretty much been taken in the past three weeks; that is, since Nathan was born. Our apologies for any images of bleary-eyed, unkempt parents...we reserve the right to trump any objections to this content with the "parents of a newborn" card.

Enjoy! Love,

(Unca) Keith, Tracy, Brendon and Nathan


Michele Maddix said...

Great photos Keith. Hi Tracy, Hi Brendon, Hi Nate!!! If you look bleary-eyed I don't see it, I see very happy family :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photos! What a great looking family! Everyone seems to be recovering nicely from the various medical happenings.

I've been in San Antonio this past week for a conference but was able to visit with Natelle & Kristen. I tried to fly out yesterday but evidently the weather was bad up north of here and so I'll try again today...if I can wake Kristen up!

My next excursion to the states should be in August, to Massachusetts. I'm going to try to take another week off for a trip to Plattsburgh, if I can.

Take care all!