Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More Photos from Ireland

Here are some others I'd thought you enjoy!


1 comment:

Michele Maddix said...

I love the pictures. I wish the one of you 3 had turned out better.

The ones with the kids standing with ocean as a backdrop are cool pictures. They're fortunate to have gone so many places (with you) at their young ages.

The castle pics are gorgeous and so are the cliffs!

Yes, it would seem that the southeast is your thing.

Yesterday I bought maps of London and Paris to take with me over there. The Paris one is cool it is made in such a way that the map folds practically by itself when you are done looking at it (sort of in the style of a pop up book without pop ups, where the paper is creased to make it fold a certain way) and it is very compact. Not that I really need the maps, but I guess I am like Bilbo Baggins in that respect...I like maps. I don't know how my liking of them started. Maybe it had something to do with working at the State Police, since I have to use them there all the time.