Saturday, May 3, 2008

In Search of the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh...Part I

Hi All,

My trip to the southern ocast of England was great and brought back so many memories of watching the Walt Disney show, the Scarecrow Romney Marsh...there really is a Romney March and a Dymchurch, and a Ships Inn (haunted I found out) and many more related topics of conversation. We had such an adventure driving through the Marsh arriving at Dymchurch, visiting Dr Syn's Bed and Breakfast where all the rooms are named after characters from the story. The owner told us where to find the old church and the Ships Inn. So we went to the church definitely was old but still in use. After wandering around outside we enter and felt the presence of Dr. Syn...and found him too!! As we made our way up the stairs to the next level who but the good Dr himself was sitting there facing us...after exploring the church right across the street, as the story told, was the Ships Inn...and of course we went into explore. Two local gents were having a pint, and as you suggested Keith, I joined in. My friend, Merrilee, started taking all sorts of photos as the walls were covered with pictures and scenes related to the story. We spoke to the barkeeper too and she told us there was still a hidden area were there were shafts to the church and other ways out of the was really cool. It really was used a smuggler's safehaven. Then we went to the beach area near the Ships could envision all the goings on back then.

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