Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am going to make this blog private

Hi All.

I will leave this blog open to anyone to view for yet a little while so you can all see this post. Thereafter, if you cannot view it, check your email to see how to. Deb and Keith, you can also access it by signing in with the access username and password I've already given you and you may share those with any of the family. With that info you can still post and have full access. I think it is better to make it more private to avoid those annoying comments that keep appearing and we can put what we want on the blog without being concerned who will see it. Thanks for your indulgence with this.



Anonymous said...


Probably a good idea...I'll wait to post the latest photos until I hear from you.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Michele -

I think that's a great idea. Someone asked me the other day if I felt safe having Nathan's picture available for anyone to view on the Web. I was just so excited to share the images, I didn't even think of the possible downside.

The inconvenience of going private with it is very small compared with the benefits. In any case, we'll continue to add to it from the Pacific Northwest.


Keith, Tracy, Brendon and Nathan

Michele Maddix said...

great. i'll let you know by email when i switch it to private.