Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Quick...someone sign me up for Match.com!

Hi All

Yes, this is me and my new boyfriend. His name: C.R.Oak. I met him on a trip to Vermont the Friday after my birthday. He is a bit green to the dating scene, but I find his personality very ribbiting (oh...that's riveting!). He's quiet, reserved and eats very little considering his size. However, I feel that our relationship has become stagnant because he is very stuck in his current life! Ha ha ha

Someone call me a DOCTOR!

(My friend Kath and I went to Vermont to shop and have lunch to celebrate my birthday that Friday. And feeling rather jokester-ish that day, I had her take these photos of me. Man! I need a life, huh?)


Anonymous said...

my only question is...does he have an older brother? Perhaps if I kiss him he'll turn into a prince carry me off to Never Never land!

Cute photos!

Michele Maddix said...

i don't know i'll ask him. LOL thanks.

one good thing, he doesn't talk! men SHOULD be seen and not heard! ha ha ha!!

Anonymous said...

Never Never Land...that's in the southeast somewhere, isn't it?


Michele Maddix said...

what, keith,...are you saying I belong there with my questionable boyfriend? LOL

Michele Maddix said...

oh...i just reread Deb's comment. boy i really am in Never Never Land

Anonymous said...

maybe he is in the southeast...just have to go looking! Just think, if I continue going southeast around the globe for awhile I may eventually end up on your doorsteps, with the spiral effect and all... :)

I'm in San Antonio (TX) this week...right now at Kristen's (Natelle's coming down today) and then downtown for a conference all next week. In the latter part of August I have a TDY to Massachusetts--going to try to take the following week off too and head up to Plattsburgh since I'll be so close. I'll let you know as the plans develop.

Keith...how's everyone? What kind of toys doesn't Brendon play with these days...I'm sending a little package out for Nathan and want to include something for his big brother...any ideas?

Take care...after tomorrow I may be out of touch for a little bit but I'll be thinking of you all as I down some margaritas on the River Walk!


Anonymous said...

Ahh...margaritas on the River Walk in San Antonio, TX...now THAT brings back a few memories.

San Antonio was the first place I ever had fajitas and, while I didn't know it at the time, they were really GOOD fajitas. All I knew at that point was that I had discovered something incredibly tasty and that Mexican food (well, at least Tex-Mex) was something worth exploring. Nowadays, there are several dishes I regularly enjoy at our favorite Mexican restaurant but, without a doubt, really good fajitas top the list.

Mmmm...that and a cold Corona (or two) with a slice of lime.

Anonymous said...


Pretty much anything with lights and music (and/or lots of buttons to push) would do as a gift for for Brendon. He hasn't yet learned to play with cars and trucks, and you'll want to make sure it's durable as he has nasty habit of abruptly picking up his heavier toys and just tossing them to see what kind of noise they make on impact. (Our hardwood floors, hand-crafted coffee table, and nerves have taken a real beating over the past year.) Of course, he only does that with the biggest, heaviest plastic toy he can find at the time!

I guess that would point more toward a "softside" kind of toy, huh? On second thought, maybe a soft(er) musical animal would do the trick. The one he already has is a beige/tan Fisher-Price dog with blue ears that sits on its butt like a child would, has its ears, paws and tummy labeled as touchpad zones that either name the body part, play music, or voice some little phrase. Oh, and he has the laughing Elmo and Cookie Monster toys, too, which actually frighten him a bit. Beyond that, no real risk of duplication.

Thanks for thinking of "The Mister" too, Debbie. (That's what we often refer to Brendon as...The Mister, or Mr. B.)This noisy attention-grabbing little addition to his "I am the center of attention" world has been a bit rough on Brendon. He'll be fine of course but we're making an extra effort to make sure he feels loved and not in the least bit displaced by Nathan. (Not an easy thing to do, given the amount of attention that Nathan demands at this point...and the interest everyone takes in touching, holding, and generally fawning over the baby.)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Keith, I had margaritas and Corona enough for both of us...skipped the fajitas this time though.

Thanks for the input on the toys...I'll find something suitable and will send the package out next week, that's if I actually get back to the UK!

Take care and love to all.