Thursday, May 15, 2008

Phew...the semester from hell is finally over

Well...we'll see...the grades won't be posted until the end of next week. It was a supreme struggle for me this time around. I was so relieved to send my final paper for the second of 2 classes last evening. Unfortunately I know the quality of it was not up to snuff. I just ran out of energy this time.

Now to rest as much as possible (since I have to start studying for my exams in October...the exams from hell!).

And it is now time to start organizing myself and the kids for the trip. I'm so excited, I just can't stand it. I even talked my dentist's ear off this morning.

Tuesday morning I had a piece of a molar chip off and so I was able to make an appointment this morning. You would think that by the way we three women carried on (the dentest, the hygenist and me) we were old friends out for a social visit. I have been going to this dentist for nearly twenty years, so I suppose that we are sort of like friends.

Keith, your darling little man is SO precious...I just wanna kiss him!

Deb, when do you and the girls leave for Ireland?

Thank you both for all you have been contributing to keep the blog alive. All your contributions have been wonderful. I wish that more of the clan would join us. They just don't know what they're missing.

I just got a larger memory card for my digital camera and hope to get some good video as well as stills on the trip.

Love you!


Anonymous said...


Congratulations on the completion of your course work...I know it's a great relief for you!!! Natelle ended up with all A's (except don't know one grade cause the prof didn't turn them in on time). Kris did A's and B's...good stuff! They will be heading home tomorrow morning--I'll drive them to the airport and then they'll be on their way. We went to Ireland Mon-Wed; it was a true blast! I'll upload some photos this weekend and share some of the great scenes. Besides Blarney Castle and the Jameson Whiskey tour we drove down to the southeast coast of the country--what a beautiful coastline. The next time I go I want to spend more time because we didn't get to the Ring of Kerry on the west coast--I heard it's 10 times more beautiful.

Have to tell you I thoroughly enjoy having your blog out there for me to share...even if it's only with you and Keith, and my daughters on occasion. I think the others are missing out a whole lot on sharing their family events with us. It would be nice if they would join in...sure is easy enough to do.

Well, got to run but I'll be in touch over the weekend again and I am looking forward to your visit.

Love ya!

Michele Maddix said...

Oh wow I didn't realize you had been to Ireland already. I suppose mentioned it already, but i just forgot.

It IS really fun when the time to add to it is available.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies!

Just thought I'd let you know that my invitation worked, even though it wasn't an ENGRAVED invitation! While I'm thinking of it, Mic, would you send Leslie one, too? Her email address is as follows:

Also, there are many more pictures to come, if I can find the time to upload them, that is. These newborns are an incredible timesink!! (A non-word that describes some task or obligation that is similar in theory to a heatsink, which draws heat away from electronic components.)

Anyway, just wanted you guys to know that the "Left Coast Fowlers" are thinking of you!

Bye for now.


Keith, Tracy, Brendon, and Nathan