Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nathan Thomas Fowler

As promised, here are some pictures of Nathan, weighing in at 9 lbs., 3.3 oz at birth. We thought Tracy and Nathan would be able to come home today, but it appears that in her seemingly rapid recovery, Tracy transitioned to a "general diet" a bit too quickly and has been experiencing a lot of nausea, so they're going to keep her (and, obviously, Nathan) there for a couple of more days.

Late last week, Brendon came down with the croup so I was in Children's Hospital ER with him early Monday morning, but we managed to make it home before Tracy and I had to leave for UWMC and the C-section. Brendon is still fighting the tail end of it and, to boot, I now have a cold with a most annoying cough, too.

Nathan, it seems, is the only truly healthy one among us! (Show off)

Anyway, enjoy the photos!

Love from The Fab Four


Anonymous said...

Keith, Tracy and Brendon...congratulatins to you and your new member of the family. He is a wonder to behold!!! 9+ lbs...a keeper, for sure!

No photo I can post from this point can match the beauty of a newborn child...and your right about the deep love and feelings you have for that child upon first sight. My best to all of you and keep the photos coming...

Love you all!

Michele Maddix said...

Awww isn't he just a little angel! I love him! Congratulations.

Unknown said...

Congratulations to all! I hope you have all recovered nicely! He is a cutie just like his big brother.
Lots of love,

Michele Maddix said...

Hey Karen. Glad you came! Yes they are handsome little dudes, the pair. :)