Saturday, May 3, 2008

In Search of the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh - More photos

Here are just a few more of them is a WWII pillbox...there were a few there along the coast line to protect the coast from a possible German invasion at the time. Hope you enjoy all! Love, Deb


Anonymous said...

How very cool, Deb!

Hey, I can't comment further just now but I do need the two of you to email your addresses so I can send you the latest Fowler newsletter. Thanks (and happy BELATED birthday, Michele)!

Anonymous said...


Any baby yet???


Michele Maddix said...

Thanks Keith. Will email you mine address.

Michele Maddix said...

Hi Deb did you see my response on the last post I made (the sleep hollow vid)?

Anonymous said...

Well, I forgot to bring the camera home so I could download the pictures I took, but I'm proud to announce the arrival of Nathan Thomas Fowler at 9:59 a.m. PDT on May 12, 2008. He was 21" long, weighed 9 lbs., 3.3 oz., and according to the doctor, peed on everything he could on the way out. Tracy is still at the hospital, recovering very nicely from the C-section, and I'm at home with Brendon who has been battling the croup. (He's past the worst of it now, though.) We expect Tracy and Nathan to be discharged on Wednesday morning, but I'll be spending practically all day with them tomorrow, after the sitter gets here to watch Brendon.

For the record, I have to say he really is a cutie! (It's a shame you can't capture the intensity of these feelings to relive periodically throughout the years; what an incredibly fabulous experience!)

More to follow...with pictures.

Love to all!

Michele Maddix said...

Yeah! Congratulations. And... Welcome Little Nathan! :)