Saturday, May 3, 2008

In Search of the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh - Part II

Okay, so here's the upload of the church, some of the actual marsh area, the church where the Disney show was shot and the English Channel. Everything was fun. We also at the Ships Inn...pretty good food. While there I asked the gents if there were any haunted places in Dymchurch. They weren't sure but did tell me about a pub in Goudhurst that was haunted. We had dinner there and I asked the owner of the rumor was true...she said it was (quite honestly the whole villaged looked haunted!!). The food was great, again! Don't believe anyone when they tell you the food in England is terrible...simply not true! As we were leaving the pub I asked the owner when the most recent sighting occurred; she told us a few days ago her daughter was upstairs in one of the room when she heard what sounded like a window breaking and then a door slamming...of course, there was no one there and she ran out of there. I guess I'm going to have to sleep there some night. It was a great pub right next to a very interesting looking church. The next day we went to the city of Rye.


Michele Maddix said...

i think it is really amazing that with the grave markers as thin as they seem to me that they haven't all broken over the centuries.

Michele Maddix said...

What's that in the water? Is it the remnants of a pier or some sort of breakwater?