Monday, August 30, 2010

Activity journal

This blog seems to have unintentionally morphed into a sort of activity journal on my way toward avoiding Type 2 diabetes.

I went out for a walk today. I figured that since I had to fill a prescription and that my pharmacy is Rite Aid up on Route 3, I would kill two birds with one stone if I walked to the pharmacy. I dropped of the prescription and didn't wait to have it filled. Instead, walked to KFC for lunch, mindful of doing my best to eat as healthy as possible there. I think I did pretty well, considering all the fat-saturated choices they have there.

After lunch I walked over to Aldi Food Market. I have not been in that store since before they moved into their new building, some time ago. I was very pleasantly to find that their produce there was really good looking. Better than Walmart's, which is notoriously and consistently unappetizing. Once in awhile you'll find some sort of decent produce, but more often than not you won't. Their meats are the same. The prices on the produce at Aldi were good too. The only drawback is bring cash only, because they don't take credit cards. At least, last I knew they didn't. I didn't ask. It looked like everyone was paying with cash. (You know, if I were a criminal, and wanted to rob some place for quick cash, that would be the place. Hope I don't have any criminals reading my blog.)

I bought some bananas and two tins of sardines. The bananas because I had gone their looking to get some fruit and the sardines because they had some packed in spring water, rather than oil or tomato sauce and the price was right.

On my way home I walked by the pond at the college and coming back up Beekman Street toward Bailey Avenue, I saw the view below.

Aren't they gorgeous? I captured the pic with my phone's camera. I didn't bring my camera with me, because I didn't think I would see anything I would want to take a picture of. I guess I was wrong. I will have to bring my camera with me each time so that I don't miss getting some good shots while I trapse around town.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Morning walk at Point Au Roche (in progress)

I was just about to step out of my apartment this morning, intending to take the cat for a stroll in her stroller while getting my exercise, and i received a surprise call from my brother Herb, who said he was up from Syracuse for the weekend and was staying with my sister Karen. He asked about my plans for the day and I told him I was about to go for a walk and, as it turns out, so was he with his partner Ken, my sister Karen and my brother Tim. So, instead of a not-so-exciting stroll around the neighborhood near my house I was glad to receive the invitation to walk with them up at Point au Roche State Park. It was a GORGEOUS day and a very pleasant time spent with loved ones. We enjoyed seeing some flora and fauna too. (pics still to be posted)

Tim, Karen, Ken and Herb

Ken took the picture here and I took his spot in the pose for the picture (oh, and let me not forget the trilobite fossil that Tim is holding and Karen found smiled for the picture too)

Ken and Herb

Me and my sis

This is the property of Camp Red Cloud. We used to have our station picnics here years ago.

We weren't the only species getting some exercise. There were 3 of these dogs, one stayed on shore while the other two swam after the stick their owner threw for them.

A pretty little cove

I like how well you can see the dragonfly in these next two pics.

Herb scoping some American Black ducks.

What a relaxing view!

Tim posing. Nah, he wasn't posing. I don't think he realized I was taking a picture of him just then.

This is a Touch-Me-Not plant

A Touch-Me-Not flower. Sorry the foreground is blurry. At least you can get a look at one in the bottom left of the picture though. I'm still experimenting with my new camera.

Trying to coax a Touch-Me-Not flower to open.

Tim said they only seem to open when touched earlier on in the season. It also seems to be a natural protectant/preventative against poison ivy, according to what what little I have read on it today. I could have used that a couple of weeks ago when I got poison ivy or something that acted like it from God only knows where, since I hadn't started walking regularly at that point.

The small pond where the Touch-Me-Not was found

A close-up. Pretty, huh?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Fuzz's first stroll

I finally got around to putting the pet stroller together that I bought for Annabelle. It was very easy, no tools required. All in all, I think our first adventure together went very smoothly. In fact, when I first unzipped the compartment for her to get in and put her blanket in there she jumped right in. I had loaded her in the kitchen then carried her down my back stairs in the stroller and away we went. It is very lightweight and doesn't roll smoothly without her in it. But once in there, she evened out the weight distribution and it worked fine. I got some very odd looks from passers-by, but being considered different or odd was never something that ever concerned me much. I do what pleases me, whether others think it uncommon or not. I like whatever and whomever I like without basing my opinions on what others may like or may think. I figure that if others should find me a riveting topic of their conversation then they cannot possibly be talking about others at the very same time.

So regardless of others, I think my cat is damned cute in her stroller and it makes me know she is safe and able to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine (albeit in a limited fashion).

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So yesterday when I went for my semi-annual checkup, at which my doctor reviews my bloodwork results (also semi-annually), he told me that I had all the factors present for pre-diabetes except a high blood pressure. I was certainly not expecting that to come out of his mouth. He told me about this program that the New York State Health Department and the YMCA have collaborated on to identify people in my position, who, if they do not change their diet and life style (in my case it being way too sedentary), are likely to end up among the 83% of people who proceed from pre-diabetes to Type 2 Diabetes. WHOA! Ok, that was sufficient enough information to scare me into action. Thus, this morning, at 6:45am, I stepped out my door for a 30-minute walk. I have to start somewhere, and now is better than later. Much better in this case.

Anyway, the program he recommended me for offers a free 16-week membership to the Y and you have to go to some group meeting once a week. They give you this start up kit with things like a pedometer and mearusign spoons and cups and several sample menus, etc. There are only 10 YMCA centers across the state currently implementing this program and Plattsburgh is one of them, only they only have 7 people (me being the 7th...lucky number, must be a sign..heh heh) and they want a minimum of 12 to begin the classes. Until then, I cannot just sit on my keester. Hence, the early rise and walk this a.m.

I had brought my Ipod along, of course, and was listening to the shuffled tunes...everything from Mozart to Rey Ruiz (Corazón arrepentido)to Heart to Stevie Wonder. The song of Stevie Wonder's that came on was
"All I Do", which I haven't heard in I cannot tell you how long, despite it being on my Ipod. I had the song in my mind all day, while my kids were in Vermont for one of Alex's orthodontist appointments, crossing the ferry, lunching at Chili's, and right after I woke of from the hour-long nap I so desperately needed after having gotten up at the near-crack of dawn. I decided I wanted to see the video of the song, but could not find the commercial music video for it on YouTube. However, what I did find was the unexpected gem of a video below of a concert he did in the UK during which he performed the song. The concert appears to be on DVD and is called Stevie Wonder: Live at Last - A Wonder Summer's Night. From the clips of it on YouTube, it looks to have been one wonderful concern. (Of course, pun intended.) Here's the video:

He's another person I would like to see in concert. Hmm, I wonder if he is doing or planning on doing any tours. I'll have to look into that.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Back to work today

Back to work today (UGH!), although I still have only limited use of my right hand. Isn't it gruesome? That was just before having the stitches removed. It has been well worth doing because now I have no more tingling and numbness in my hand. I just have to regain my strength in it with exercises and reduce the scar tissue formation with vitamin e cream massages. I can't wait until it's all healed.See More

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I want this woman with me

if ever I get burglarized or robbed

check it out

Sorry I couldn't embed the video. So, you'll have to copy and paste the above address to get to it.

Good thing most criminals are dumb. Like the woman who recently shoplifted from a national-chain department store in the local area and drove away in her vehicle with it's plate personalized with her first name. DUH!

Monday, August 2, 2010

A visit with my nephew and family

Front row: Ella and Will. Back row: Kathy Martens (Art's mom), me, Loren, and Art

Art and Loren sent me home with produce from their garden and some canned tomtoes, canned pepper relish, and a jar of freshly made basil pesto (YUM!). Kathy gave me a jar of bread and butter pickles she had canned last year.