Monday, February 2, 2009


Several months ago, my friend Kathy spent the night at my place. I was either at work or down in Albany for school that evening. Being the very good friend that she is, she decided to do me the favor of vacuuming my apartment for me. Prior to that she had laid out her clothing, including her "unmentionables", for the next day. The latter being laid out in the bathroom in preparation for her morning shower before going to work herself.

That same evening, I received a phone call from her in which she explained how she had inadvertently sucked up a pair of said unmentionables in the vacuum and that they were stuck in the hose. After several failed attempts by her, and later by me, to remove the "obstruction", I needed to resort to purchasing of a new vacuum. I bought a bagless version this time.

However recently this new vacuum ceased to suck! :) (Or, rather, it REALLY SUCKS! LOL). So I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands and perform the much needed and long-awaited surgical procedure on my old vacuum, which is the title of this post. I am happy to report that the procedure was performed without complication,

the obstruction removed

and the patient

is doing superbly, being instantly restored to full and strenous duty. Miraculous!

This procedure could not have been possible without the innovative technology of this versatile surgical tape

I knew that event would supply humor for years to come... LOL :)


Anonymous said...

OMG - I checked your blog mainly to look at your pictures again and I saw this!! This is hilarious - I can just hear Kathy calling you to tell you did she manage to do this? she must have been dying and horrified at the same time!! Poor Kath. I miss hearing these stories at work.

Michele Maddix said...

this was quite some time ago, but i was saving it for just a moment like this. my newer vacuum wasn't working and i needed to vacuum in the worst way but didn't want to go out to buy another. so i performed surgery. lol

she had them laying on the top of the hamper or something and she had put the hose under her arm to do something else (i don't know what, maybe a just the bath rug or something and slurrrrp up they went. it cracked me up when she told me!

i think my sense of humor is a bit whacky sometimes. but, heck, if someone gets a laugh out of it besides me then "it's all good"!

btw, santor called work last night and thinks he is gonna convince you to withdraw the memo. i didn't think of it last night but realized today that i should have told him "Resistence is futile", since when you wanted to leave here and go there we couldn't convince you otherwise. oh well, he'll just have to learn the hard way! lol

Michele Maddix said...

oops...that's "adjust the bath rug"

Michele Maddix said...

don't worry before long you'll hear all such antics again. like what i left on when i came to work that day...remember??? and goosing the phone technician by accident at work. that STILL cracks me up!