Sunday, February 22, 2009

A fond farewell (Did you think you'd escape the "Mad Blogger"?)

Yesterday marked the final day of work for my co-worker of 21 years and very close friend, Mary Dupell. She has been, and very much still is, a loyal and caring friend to me. She has been a rock during my many trials (good pun, huh?). Mary was there for me when my mother passed away (which just happens to be Mary's birthday too). I remember not being able to sleep the night before leaving to go to North Carolina for my mother's funeral. Mary was working an overnight shift on desk at the station. Since I couldn't sleep I drove to the station. She hugged me, let me cry through my grief and listened to my pain.

Mary has been right there rooting me on throughout this long journey of my educational pursuits. Mary was among my friends in attendance to see me graduate from Plattsburgh State with my Bachelor's degree. And she says she will be there for each upper degree to come.

She has shown me by example how to be steadfast and consistent in my efforts to be a person of integrity, honesty and industriousness. I have improved as a person as a result of having her in my life, for she has touched it with a uniqueness that only she possesses.

I consider myself blessed to have Mary as my friend and confidant.

Mary, congratulations on your retirement, my dear friend. It has been a long and arduous road for you, which you met with perseverence and determination, never letting anyone tread on your values. And although by many there your true worth has gone unappreciated, know that there are those who consider you an exemplary person and a fine police officer.

Okay...I made myself cry writing this...I'm such a sap...but you know me, Ms. Waterworks!

So to lighten up the ambiance a bit, here are some pictures to enjoy:

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