Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More Photos from Ireland

Here are some others I'd thought you enjoy!


Ireland with my kids!


so here are some of the long awaited photos of our visit to Cork County, Ireland...I loved it but we really needed more time. I'll post by each adventure...first stop was Blarney Castle, then Jameson Whiskey Experience (a tour of the oldest whiskey making plant in the country, and then the southeast coast of Ireland...I must have something about southeast...southeast Florida, southeast Scotland, southeast England, southeast Ireland...can't imagine what's next.

Hope you enjoy!


Quick...someone sign me up for Match.com!

Hi All

Yes, this is me and my new boyfriend. His name: C.R.Oak. I met him on a trip to Vermont the Friday after my birthday. He is a bit green to the dating scene, but I find his personality very ribbiting (oh...that's riveting!). He's quiet, reserved and eats very little considering his size. However, I feel that our relationship has become stagnant because he is very stuck in his current life! Ha ha ha

Someone call me a DOCTOR!

(My friend Kath and I went to Vermont to shop and have lunch to celebrate my birthday that Friday. And feeling rather jokester-ish that day, I had her take these photos of me. Man! I need a life, huh?)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am going to make this blog private

Hi All.

I will leave this blog open to anyone to view for yet a little while so you can all see this post. Thereafter, if you cannot view it, check your email to see how to. Deb and Keith, you can also access it by signing in with the access username and password I've already given you and you may share those with any of the family. With that info you can still post and have full access. I think it is better to make it more private to avoid those annoying comments that keep appearing and we can put what we want on the blog without being concerned who will see it. Thanks for your indulgence with this.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Ireland, me and the kids

Well I finally have a few minutes to sit and relax...thought it's a good time to share some of recent adventures in Ireland. I really enjoyed myself with the kids and will definitely have to go back to Ireland to finish my visit there...so much more left to see.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Phew...the semester from hell is finally over

Well...we'll see...the grades won't be posted until the end of next week. It was a supreme struggle for me this time around. I was so relieved to send my final paper for the second of 2 classes last evening. Unfortunately I know the quality of it was not up to snuff. I just ran out of energy this time.

Now to rest as much as possible (since I have to start studying for my exams in October...the exams from hell!).

And it is now time to start organizing myself and the kids for the trip. I'm so excited, I just can't stand it. I even talked my dentist's ear off this morning.

Tuesday morning I had a piece of a molar chip off and so I was able to make an appointment this morning. You would think that by the way we three women carried on (the dentest, the hygenist and me) we were old friends out for a social visit. I have been going to this dentist for nearly twenty years, so I suppose that we are sort of like friends.

Keith, your darling little man is SO precious...I just wanna kiss him!

Deb, when do you and the girls leave for Ireland?

Thank you both for all you have been contributing to keep the blog alive. All your contributions have been wonderful. I wish that more of the clan would join us. They just don't know what they're missing.

I just got a larger memory card for my digital camera and hope to get some good video as well as stills on the trip.

Love you!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nathan Thomas Fowler

As promised, here are some pictures of Nathan, weighing in at 9 lbs., 3.3 oz at birth. We thought Tracy and Nathan would be able to come home today, but it appears that in her seemingly rapid recovery, Tracy transitioned to a "general diet" a bit too quickly and has been experiencing a lot of nausea, so they're going to keep her (and, obviously, Nathan) there for a couple of more days.

Late last week, Brendon came down with the croup so I was in Children's Hospital ER with him early Monday morning, but we managed to make it home before Tracy and I had to leave for UWMC and the C-section. Brendon is still fighting the tail end of it and, to boot, I now have a cold with a most annoying cough, too.

Nathan, it seems, is the only truly healthy one among us! (Show off)

Anyway, enjoy the photos!

Love from The Fab Four

Saturday, May 3, 2008

In Search of the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh - More photos

Here are just a few more photos...one of them is a WWII pillbox...there were a few there along the coast line to protect the coast from a possible German invasion at the time. Hope you enjoy all! Love, Deb

In Search of the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh - Part II

Okay, so here's the upload of the church, some of the actual marsh area, the church where the Disney show was shot and the English Channel. Everything was fun. We also at the Ships Inn...pretty good food. While there I asked the gents if there were any haunted places in Dymchurch. They weren't sure but did tell me about a pub in Goudhurst that was haunted. We had dinner there and I asked the owner of the rumor was true...she said it was (quite honestly the whole villaged looked haunted!!). The food was great, again! Don't believe anyone when they tell you the food in England is terrible...simply not true! As we were leaving the pub I asked the owner when the most recent sighting occurred; she told us a few days ago her daughter was upstairs in one of the room when she heard what sounded like a window breaking and then a door slamming...of course, there was no one there and she ran out of there. I guess I'm going to have to sleep there some night. It was a great pub right next to a very interesting looking church. The next day we went to the city of Rye.

In Search of the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh...Part I

Hi All,

My trip to the southern ocast of England was great and brought back so many memories of watching the Walt Disney show, the Scarecrow Romney Marsh...there really is a Romney March and a Dymchurch, and a Ships Inn (haunted I found out) and many more related topics of conversation. We had such an adventure driving through the Marsh arriving at Dymchurch, visiting Dr Syn's Bed and Breakfast where all the rooms are named after characters from the story. The owner told us where to find the old church and the Ships Inn. So we went to the church next...it definitely was old but still in use. After wandering around outside we enter and felt the presence of Dr. Syn...and found him too!! As we made our way up the stairs to the next level who but the good Dr himself was sitting there facing us...after exploring the church right across the street, as the story told, was the Ships Inn...and of course we went into explore. Two local gents were having a pint, and as you suggested Keith, I joined in. My friend, Merrilee, started taking all sorts of photos as the walls were covered with pictures and scenes related to the story. We spoke to the barkeeper too and she told us there was still a hidden area were there were shafts to the church and other ways out of the building...it was really cool. It really was used a smuggler's safehaven. Then we went to the beach area near the Ships Inn...you could envision all the goings on back then.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Sorry for the Spanish narration, but I could not find this part in English. This part of that cartoon used to scare the crap out of me.