Sunday, April 13, 2008

Visit to Sandringham

Hi All,

I went to the Sandringham craft fair yesterday and then visit the Sandringham proper...the Norfolk Retreat of Her Majesty The Queen. Although we didn't get through the whole estate I was able to take some neat (I think) photos while there. Here are the 1st two of the photos I'll post...two more coming. Nice and peaceful site...I can see why the Queeen calls it a retreat.

Love, Debbie


Michele Maddix said...

These are beautiful pictures, Deb. I almost expect to see Jane Austen or Charles Dickens strolling the grounds. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Very pretty scenery, Deb. Nice shots; they really draw you in and make you want to experience it.

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

I thought I had posted something but looks like it's not there...glad you liked the was a really neat place to visit. My next adventure (now don't get jealous Keith) will be down to the "southern coast of England". Yep, going to the Romney Marsh area. I've asked so many people if they remember the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh and finally found a friend who does!!! She and I are headed down there on the 25th for a couple of days to explore the area. I've been wanting to go there anyway but we just happened to be talking and she was going already so I invited myself along. Keith, knowing that you are a Scarecrow enthusiast as much as I am, is there anything you'd like me to pick up for you there? I'd be happy to! Of course, I'll be posting more photos after that trip and then again in May after the girls, Dustin (Natelle's boyfriend) and I go to Ireland. We'll be staying at a B 'n B in Blarney and explore the area there for a day or so. It should all be fun.

Well, it was good to hear from both of you...hope all is well. Keith, say "hi" to Tracy and give the big "B" a hug for me.

Love to all, Debbie