Monday, April 28, 2008

Emmetts Woods

Hi All!

Okay, I'm back from my trip; my computer is finally working again; and I'm home sick I thought I start the weekend's journey with our visit to Emmetts Woods...we went to see the bluebells and other beautiful scenery; we also chatted with some nice British are couple of the photos.

The first photo is the bed and breakfast we stayed at during our visit to the area...dates back to the 1500s and the current owners are descendents of the original owners (who used to live in a castle)...then some photos of Emmetts Woods and a photo of one of the brilliant fields of yellow rapeseed...all over and all in photo probably doesn't catch the full brilliance of these beautiful yellow fields with the sun shining on them but you'll get a good idea!



Michele Maddix said...

another set of really awesome pictures, Deb. I especially love the bluebells. That picture is pretty but it also has an eerie feel to it. Or maybe not eerie, but foreboding. I don't know...just my first impression. Anyway I think it is very cool; all of them are. Just how rustic is that B&B? Is it as rustic in interior accomodations as it seems on the outside? :)

Sorry you are feeling homesick.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mic,

Yes the house is as old and rustic on the inside as it is on the outside. It has huge wooden beams running through it and we had to go up 3 flights of sets to get to our room (kind of reminded me of Kidnapped) and all through the rooms are antiques, huge paintings, and all sorts of neat the grounds and gardens were wonderful and peaceful. I thought the bluebell picture was neat and selected it just for the very reasons you had kind of a spooky, Ichabod Crane feeling to it...great minds think alike!

I have few more to post and then my "In search of Dr Syn" series...Oh, by the way, I not so much homesick as I am sick at home...sore throat, etc.

Love ya!

Michele Maddix said...

Okay the question begs asking? What were the bathroom facilities like in that b&b...or maybe they were OUT of the INN?? lol ;)

Michele Maddix said...

Coincidentally, I too have been sick...two weeks running now. Bad cold and cannot get rid of this nagging cough that has taken up what seems to be permanent residence in my chest. It makes an already challenging end of the semester that much more "exciting". I cannot wait, just another 2 weeks and I am done with this semester. It seemed like it would never end.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so although the house itself is, for the most part, 500 yrs old, they do have INDOOR plumbing...but as is usual over here, no showers, just tubs. (Not to fear, I do have ONE shower and 3 tubs).

I know my girls share the same sense of relief as far the semester coming to an end...they're finishing up their courses too and then will be over here on 10 May.

Got to run...I may post more tonight if I feel up to it.

Take care!

Michele Maddix said...

What are Telle's and Kris' majors? Is Telle on her masters?...I lost track of how long she's been in college. They must be excited about going to Ireland with you.

Good luck to you, Telle and Kris, with end of the semester.