Sunday, April 13, 2008

A couple more photos of Sandringham

Here the other two photos...loved it there..


Michele Maddix said...

Keith's right about these photos drawing you in. They are truly professional quality photos in my opinion, Deb. You've always had a good eye for taking pictures, as I recall.

Ooh, Ireland. That sounds cool. Can't wait to see those photos too.

And of course the Romney Marsh ones as well.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mic!

It's always been a nice hobby of mine and with the availability of all these neat sites over here, it makes it all a lot easier.

When you come we can spend some time just getting to know each other again but there are a couple of short trips I'd like to take you on...just to see some of the neat places within a short distance from here.

Take care,


Michele Maddix said...

that sounds perfect to me.

Anonymous said...

Debbie -

I only just now read your post about going to Romney Marsh...I'm dying over here!!! (Heck, even Southern Delaware has some areas that were reminiscent of Romney Marsh. But am I any closer to there than to the Marsh??? Not by much, if I head toward Japan!

It's too late. I am jealous.

How cool is that? I don't need anything, really, Deb. Just be sure to walk along the sea wall, visit an oast house, and drink a pint for me at the Ship Inn or the City of London (if such places actually exist).

Have a great time, too.

Love you all!