Thursday, December 20, 2007

Suzies Homemaker meet the Pillsbury Doughboy

Ha ha ha!

Thanks to the Pillsbury company and its premade dough products, Chantelle and I made some awesome gingerbread dudes. The apartment smells fantastic and all that is lacking is a tall, cold glass of milk. No, these are not the only ones left of the three dozen cookies made. We only decorated about 1/3 of them. We are off to Myrtle (Granny) and John (Grandad) Maddix's home, with dinner and gingerbread dudes in tow.

Here is a photo I took over at John's and Myrtle's. Poor Myrtle, her eyes were bothering her that day, and I think the flash didn't help, so that when the picture was taken she had her eyes closed. It happened in both pictures I took. But I still like the picture, since I have so few of John and Myrtle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those look good enough to eat!!! And I can just imagine how wonderful it smells there...well, I'm leaving for Scotland tomorrow morning and will be out of touch for a few days...back home on Christmas Eve. Love to all and I'll be in touch around, Deb