Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Snowladen cloud cover


It's been snowing for a couple of hours here, hard at first but more softly now. The clouds have that lightness to them from the light they are reflecting. That always brings to mind the lines "The moon on the crest of the new-fallen snow / Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below". I want to just gaze out my window and watch the snow fall softly everywhere and sip my glass of wine, listening all the while to Christmas carols. The snow makes the ordinary so pretty and pure-looking. Each time the sky is like this on a snowy night it reminds me of living with Mom and Dad at 3 Rue Cardinal, in Dollard des Ormeaux. Remember that little park right across the street from house? On nights like these I would look out my bedroom window late at night, and going in and out of the barely visible trails that edged the little park were cross country skiers. Those were moments of calm and peace I will remember all of my days.

I want to chuck what I am doing and write out Christmas cards. I had contemplated not sending any out this year. I have had a serious case of the Holiday Blues lately, but I think it is because I'm worn out from the semester and my health is still on the mend. But I bought cards to send out today, thinking it would raise my spirit. And it has, somewhat. I think that the snow has helped even more. Being so busy, I forget to slow down and appreciate such things. But one MUST do so, it is good for the soul. How very pretty it is! Maybe I'll go for a walk in it.


Anonymous said...

Although I don't have those exact memories of the home in Toronto, I do have a lot of good winter time memories...in Ravena we used to take one ski (that's all we had I think) and start on the top of the hill and try to "surf" down the slopes...if the pyramid flower bed got in your way you'd be in a world of hurt or, if you lasted that long without the ski shooting from under you and spinning you upside down only to land hard on your back you might go over the pyramid (if there was enough snow on it) and live!!! Don't believe there were too many successful attempts. Same place, I remember building huge snowmen or snow thrones when it was dark outside and the only light to help us was the porch light...also, the swamp in the back of our house in Ravena...sliding around the clumps of grass and if you happened to be so unlucky as to forget one was in your path you would wipe out!!

Thanks for sharing these wonderful memories. I'm been in the Christmas spirit...but this made it so much better and the cold weather her helps. I just put my tree up today with the Maria Carey Christmas CD playing as I did so...it's a tradition the girls and have. We used to dance to the music while decorating...we all did so this year too...only separately. Best wishes to all for a wonderful holiday season.

Love, Deb

Michele Maddix said...

That was the house in Montreal I was referring to.

Hey...you guys invented snowboarding!

Cool memories yourself. Love 'em!

And I love the one song Mariah Carey sings "All I Want for Christmas is You!" I'd have to say it is one of my favorites of the modern Christmas songs, if not THE favorite.

My all time favorite is "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear". It gives me goosebumps, like the national anthem does, every time I hear it.

Michele Maddix said...

Funny, there is only one Christmas I remember in Toronto and that was the one when I got a BUNCH of Barbie stuff: a camper, a pool, and assorted barbies and kens and their clothes. Now that I look back on it, through an adult person's eyes, I know darn well Mom and Dad (or someone did) more than the customary $25 at Christmas that year for me. I find it difficult to believe that $25 went so far, even in the mid to late 70's.