Sunday, December 30, 2007

Running out of steam

I guess this blog is running out of steam. Everyone is busy, but that's okay. So, I think that contributions will be posted whenever the spirit moves us. I'm kind of burned out with school, so I will take a break from posting myself. Please feel free to post, those of you who have the desire. I will check it regularly. And when I get something good to write about I will. Love you much, Mic.


Anonymous said...

Don't get discouraged, Mic. It will pick back up when the holiday season is past us.

You're right about being busy, though. It's not that everyone is too busy to bother; I think it's more about finding time to sit down and post comments/videos/etc. that are meaningful. Tracy & I have had a very nice SONY Handycam since August 2005 but, incredibly so, we're only now starting to use it with any regularity. We did get some nice video of Brendon enjoying his first "Christmas of awareness" but I have yet to figure out how I download that content to my PC and then upload it to YouTube. That's the kind of thing that takes time.

We love you very much, Michele, and I can't tell you enough how thankful we are for the opportunity you have created to connect with others in our family. Things go in cycles, and this will, too. Deb will have lots of things to share from her trip to Scotland, and we will have our baby boy (who we decided to name Nathan) to share with everyone in May.

...but I promise it won't be THAT long before I post again!

Michele Maddix said...

Thanks Keith. I just think I am feeling burnt out, since I have been going to school every fall and spring semester since re-enrolling in spring 2000 in order to work toward completing my undergrad.

I look forward to whatever you can contribute, and Deb too. Incidentally, only the two of you have the access info so far. Feel free to pass it on to other family members.

Michele Maddix said...

Oh, just a hint. Whatever videos you want to put on YouTube have to be 10 min length or less. And, the longer the video the longer it takes to upload to YouTube. That first video of mine, the apartment one, took all night long to upload. So, keep them short and it won't take so long to upload them individually (it's a little different if you have several to upload; it takes awhile).