Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

New Years @

I hope the new year finds you and all your loved ones safe and happy.


P.S. The post times are off. I am sending this at midnight on the dot here.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year from the Pacific Northwest...home of the "let's see if we can stumble our way into another Super Bowl" Seattle Seahawks!

Love to all -

Keith, Tracy, Brendon, and The Baby Briefly Known as Nathan (we're back into the name-choosing phase again)

Anonymous said...

Hey All!

Happy New Year to each one of you and your families!!

I did nothing special for New Years...didn't even watch any of the celebrations on TV which was new for me! But the day was very relaxing especially since I had a busy 3-days prior to trip to Scotland. It was grand and I hope to send/post some photos when I sit down long enough to do that. Love to all and I hope to see some of you this year.


Anonymous said...

Hey Keith,

Did you all lock into a name yet (for the newbie, that is)! How about "Christopher Syn Fowler" or Christoper Clegg Fowler or Scarecrow Hellspite Fowler, you get the gist...

Hey, I'm going to plan a drip down that way in the near's only a couple of hours or so from here, as you mentioned before. They actually have a reenactment weekend every even year...which would be this August but I think I'll be in the states again. I have a trip to Massachusetts tentatively scheduled and then thought I'd drive or fly up to Plattsburgh from there for a week. We'll see. Anyway, when I do get to Dymchurch I'll post some photos and add to this blog...for those who are still interested.

Take care all. Love Deb