Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Your sister the heel

Okay Keith, I'm sorry. Yesterday, November 6th, was your birthday, and I, your crummy little sister, have once again neglected to wish you happy birthday... so...

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Anonymous said...

Not nearly the heel that I am, Mic...having missed more than a DECADE of your birthdays!!

But I do appreciate the colorful sentiment!!

P.S. to All: Brendon's picture is on page 52 of the November 2007 Nordstrom catalog!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Deb -

Are you flying into Greensboro on Sunday and, if so, what's your arrival time?

Anonymous said...


I'm actually flying into Charlotte and driving up from there. I arrive in Charlotte around 6:00pm.

Anonymous said...


You are not a heel...just one of family of forgetful or extremely busy people. We are all not very good of recognizing events such as this...I know I usually remember but hardly ever send cards.

Michele Maddix said...

Well, we are with each other in spirit then! :)

I am about to take on the task of relaxing Chantelle's hair, which I have done many times. But, it's kind of a long time to get to it. It's 4:30p here and I have to get it done and get them fed (thank god for pizza delivery) and them bring them back to their dad's place.

Anonymous said...


Okay, when are you leaving Lexington?

Anonymous said...


I leave Lexington on 16 flight leaves Charlotte around 1pm I think. If you're thinking of flying in, I don't mind picking you up at Greensboro airport on the 12th(?). I'll have a rental car the whole time I'm there.

It would be neat to see you.

Anonymous said...

That would be great. I don't know if I'll be able to go yet, but I'll let you know.

It would be great to see you, too, Debbie.

Michele Maddix said...

Keith would you be going just for a visit or is it business related? just curious.

Anonymous said...

At present, I have no it would be personal!

(I do, however, have a fascinating list of over 30 different jobs I have held from the age of 17 to present...not counting my time in Air Force, the longest full-time position I have held lasted 26 months. What a well-balanced, reliable, stable and loyal candidate I make, don't you think?)

My life is a $#&&$#@(*) joke!!!

Michele Maddix said...

Keith, don't be rough on yourself. We are each our own worst critic. You have good qualities that that inner critic of yours wants you not to recognize. Tell him to shut the F up and leave you alone. I tell mine that all the time. Sounds goofy, but who cares? It actually works sometimes, and I find it working more and more for me the more I do it. The only thing that matters is that you are a good person, or try your best to be as often as possible. Does it always work? Hell no! Of course not! But you just keep plugging away. And in the end, none of this life (which can be the crappiest thing going) will matter. And if you believe in something beyond this life then it can only get better from her. And if you don't, it still won't matter, because you'll just be dead. Sort of a dismal topic.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

I personally think life is important no matter how it's lived...things do happen that are beyond are control but you just strive to look for the pony in everything. For instance, think of all the skills you have to offer based on the career you've had. That's the way things work these days anyway, people are more apt to jump from job to job...doesn't make it a bad decision. I do believe what happens to us after death is something to look forward to but we must enjoy the good things in life today...for instance family, hobbies, a beautiful Fall day, caring memories of childhood (like we've shared on this blog), and much more. I would hate to think after living whatever life I've had that when I die it wasn't worth living.

I always look for the positive.