Saturday, November 24, 2007

Family Festivities

Here are some scenes from Thanksgiving Day, celebrated with a few members of the Fowler clan and our kids.

For my friends who don't know you guys and for those family members who haven't seen us in awhile, we are (from left to right)...

Back row: Tim (my brother), Josh (my sister Karen's younger son), my daughter Chantelle, Eric (my sister Leslie's son), my son Alex

Front row: Leslie, me, Karen and Stephanie (Leslie's daughter)

Also here are a couple of short videos of the day. More can be seen if you go to, type mmmaddix in the search box and click search. My videos will come up. If you click on one of the blue mmmaddix it will bring you to my main page

(the "crack" I refer to in this video is really chocolate-covered caramel popcorn, which might as well be crack since it is addictively delicious)

(Tom LaValley, Les' husband is on the far left in the chair, enjoying some toasted almonds made by Karen. Those have been a family tradition at Thanksgiving for as long as I can remember. I remember helping to shell the almonds and then take the skins off after they were blanched and Dad would toast them in the skillet. The taste of them brings back lots of holidays past.)

Good night, All!
Off to bed now.


Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for the video clips--I really enjoyed them. They are so much better than just still shots. Although they did bring tears to my eyes because I wasn't there sitting around Leslie's table with all of you, like we always did. Whether we were playing Rummy, Phase 10, UNO. preparing a meal or just shooting the breeze it was the place to be...maybe more than Les really wanted!!! :) Les, you can't help it if it always felt like home there, even with the increased noise level. Thanks for the phone was great talking with you. (Guess what Mic, I made roasted almonds you say, it's a family tradition). Love to all!

Michele Maddix said...

I'm sorry for the tears brought on, but I am glad that you enjoyed the videos, Debbie. Did you go YouTube to see the others?

Michele Maddix said...

I guess you could say that playing games is another tradition with us. I don't remember so much if we did them at the holidays when we were little, but surely at Les' they have become one.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to make sure you all know that I enjoyed talking to all of you...not just Les (It read kind of funny to me after I sent it).


Anonymous said...

I did see the other clips on YouTube...loved them all. I would sure appreciate some around the Christmas Holiday too as I will remain in the UK and work while most of my staff spend time with their families. If you could even send some when you decorate your tree...I would love it.

Oh, don't know if you can do this, but if you put them on a DVD you can send to Dad and Inge...I bought them a portable DVD player when I was there. They might enjoy a holiday wish from everyone.

Thanks to all.

Michele Maddix said...

I already decorated my tree because I had to work the day after Thanksgiving this year. I usually take it off but with school I was distracted and by the time I thought of it again a co-worker had taken it off, so I couldn't. So, the kids and I did mine the day before Thanksgiving.

I think the DVD idea is an excellent idea, Deb. I burn music all the time, but I have never tried video. I will look into it in the next few weeks (final weeks for school really have me strapped for time before that.)

and yes, i plan to post other video, especially of the holidays.

there is a way to do some montage kinda thing with YouTube and I could take a lot of stills and also make a sort of video thing out of them, with music even. But I have to figure out how to do all that.

Karen is decorating her tree soon. Maybe I can get video of hers being decorated and Leslie's too.

Thanks for the ideas.

Michele Maddix said...

oh...i understood what you meant about the phone call. it's ok.

