Friday, November 2, 2007

Keith's Halloween Costume - The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh

Keith, that is an AWESOME idea for a costume. And, to add to the memories it evokes of watching that program, I decided to add the theme song. Enjoy, All.

Love, Mic

p.s. I first had the song with credits showing. But this one I replaced it with doesn't have the words in the way and I think you can see the picture better anyway.


Anonymous said...

Okay, that costume is WAY cool!!! It brings back so many neat memories. You could be Scarecrow II! I've been trying to get those shows in a DVD version so if you ever find it let me know so I can get a set.

Love to all

Anonymous said...

You know, Deb, you're not that far away from Dymchurch and Romney Marsh.

I've read that they have a festival there each August called the Days of Syn, and that the Scarecrow and some of his Gentlemen of the Marsh make an appearance. I've always thought that would be so cool to attend, and to walk through the Marsh at night dressed as the Scarecrow!!

(For that matter, there were a few times when I lived in Delaware that--due to the white sand dunes, marsh, and fog in the Lewes and Millsboro areas--it seems to be perfect "Scarecrow weather, me lads!"

Love to all from K, T, B (and bebe)

Michele Maddix said...

Keith didn't you tell me in an email you had a set of the dvds? If we could get our hands on another set, I could bring them with me when I go to see Debbie.

Anonymous said...

I think it was back in late 2003 (or early 2004) that I purchased "Dr. Syn alias the Scarecrow" in VHS format on eBay. It cost me $150.00 but I had the winning bid! (That's how much they went for; probably more now.)

Disney owns the rights to the characters and could probably make a killing with a remake of the movie (which was broken up into three or four parts for broadcast on The Wonderful World of Disney). Sure would love to see them do that. (Heck, if they can remake The Parent Trap, Freaky Friday, and Herbie the Love Bug, they ought to be able to do justice to The Scarecrow!)

Given the fact that the author Russell Thorndike ended writing seven "prequel" novels to his original book titled "Dr. Syn," I've often thought it would make a great candidate for a miniseries. That way, the whole storyline could be developed...from his days as the pirate Captain Clegg on the high seas through his years as the Scarecrow to the final discovery of his secret identities as told in the original book (at the end of which he actually dies).

Anyway, glad you guys liked the costume. I had a lot of fun making it and was quite pleased with the results.

Love, Keith

Unknown said...

Sweet threads dude!

Anonymous said...

Hi there!
Just wanted to let you guys know that I registered Dad's info. on the registry at the National World War II Memorial in D.C., after visiting there last month. I still need to add more info., but if you'd like to view it, just go to the National World War II Memorial website and follow the prompts. If you have any problems, let me know.
Also, three cheers to Eric for making the CVAC All-Star First Team for soccer this season - that after being stabbed in the back with an Exacto knife (by accident, in the photo lab), and receiving three stitches to show for it! Ah, the wonders of high school!
Love to all!

Anonymous said...


What a great gesture...I checked the website and did a search on Dad's name but his didn't come up. Am I missing something?

Congrats to Eric for his wonderful achievement inspite of the sneak attack by a fellow classmate! When I was in high school chem lab this girl decided to cut open a golf ball and it exploded all over her!! It's a wonder anyone survives science classes in HS! Eric, have a great year with soccer.

For me, I'm in TX right now visiting Kristen...and later this week, Natelle. Then on 11 Nov I head up to visit Dad & Inge for a little while. Hope you all are well.

Love Debbie

Anonymous said...

You get bet I'll visit the Dymchurch area and Romney Marsh...of course I'll have the photos to prove it too.

Also plan to visit Yorkshire for 2 reasons: 1-I read all the James Herriot books and they took place up that way and 2-Aunt Jeanne knows a lady she has been penpals with since she was 12 years old who lives up in Barnburgh...I've already spoken with the lady twice and plan to visit her. Also the lady's daughter lives in Norwich which is about an hour from me and I'm going to drop by and see her as well. I'll let you know how that goes.



Michele Maddix said...

Wow, this little blog adventure is taking on a life of its own!! Hoorah!

HI LES! I'm so glad you joined the blog.

That is so cool you put dad on the memorial. My friend Kathy Owen put her dad's info on there too, just after he passed away almost 4 yrs ago. I'll go there and check it out soon. (Just got done one midterm, have another one tomorrow. So I will have to do it after that.

Ouch, Eric, that must have smarted! But way to show 'em nothin' gets you down, not even a stab would! :)

I can gladly say I have never had to cut a single thing in any science class. Not even in biology. I was relieved because there is no way I could have carved up a frog and looked at any edible animal the same way ever again.

Hey, Deb, quite the change of climate for you. Enjoy your stay. And while you're at Dad's will you find out if hey have internet access. (Yeah, I know, why am I asking when I probably know already the answer is No.) I would love to get Dad and Inge to at least look at the site.

Well, I love you all. Back to the books.

Anonymous said...


You're reason to ask, I know full well Dad and Inge do not have the internet. However, I might be able to talk them into going to the library to look at the site. We'll see. That's the only way I'll be able to review the blog while I'm there, so I may be out of pocket until I return to the UK. It would be nice to get them connected but I'm not sure how much they'd use it.

Anonymous said...


BTW...Happy belated birthday!!! Hope you had a good one. And, thanks for the picture of your "model" son...real cute. I wish we had mittens like that when I was growing up!!1

Anonymous said...

You know, Inge has talked to me before about getting herself a computer...asking if I would help her make the choice and get it set up. (For one thing, I know she would use it to check on her many investments.)

Given the nature of Web surfing today, a standard dial-up connection probably wouldn't do. I'm sure they could get DSL there and, with the purchase of a small router, I could set her up with a small network. Tracy and I just bought a nice yet inexpensive Brother multifunction printer from Costco, which came with it's own Ethernet port. Our network now consists of my desktop PC, Tracy's laptop (which has a encrypted wireless connection to the network), our networked printer, the router (to bring it all together) and the DSL modem for the connection to the outside world.

Inge now owns the house, so she could get a broadband connection of some sort (I'm sure) and, for less than $1,500, I could probably get her set up with everything she needs.

(Imagine Inge sitting in the family room there, checking her email on a nice laptop computer from the comfort of her easy chair? It would be a hoot to get her up and running!

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't mind checking with them to see if their interested...I know Inge would use it once she got rid of the nervousness of using a computer. I have a laptop at home with broadband connection...Rick helped set me up with the computer through Dell. He's real knowledgeable and has some pretty strong contacts. The laptop has wireless, the new Windows Operating system and much more. He's still waiting for me to sign with with Skype so we can talk long distance at very little cost). I just haven't done it but I will.

Let me know if you want help with it Keith and I'll have Rick work with you (if he doesn't see this and contact you directly).

Take care!

Michele Maddix said...

I never knew (or probably just don't remember him saying) what dad did in the coast guard and I never knew about him being on a ship that was bombed.

Michele Maddix said...

Oops..meant to write more...

That was a nice thing you did, Les, putting dad on that memorial.