Friday, October 5, 2007

Thanks Natelle

The pictures you sent me are awesome! Here is just one of you and your mom so that everyone looking at the blog can see you. Deb, the backdrop doesn't hold a candle to you ladies. ;) And, Natelle, sending me the pics motivated me to figure out how to post them so that when others send me some I can do the same. Thank you.
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Anonymous said...

Ok, Mic, Natelle & I believe you could have picked a better picture of us than this one...we were freezing, the wind was blowing in our faces at a million miles an hour and we couldn't wait for the photo to be taken!!! Yikes!!

Michele Maddix said...

What? I really like this picture of you two. I can change it if you want, but I thought it was the best one of the two of you, and with an awesome background to boot!

Anonymous said...
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