Monday, October 1, 2007

My "babies"

For those of you who have never seen my children, or haven't in awhile, here are some photos. You can see by the date on the pictures that these aren't recent, but Chantelle (now 20) and Alex (now 13, almost 14) look pretty much the same. Alex is taller and his voice is changing now.

That day was my 4oth birthday. My friend, next-door-neighbor and fellow dispatcher at work, Kathy Owen, took these pictures. She also took one of me but it's crummy, so I'm not posting it. I was crying in it. Yes...Michele is still Queen of the Waterworks!! (May she reign forever! Ha ha ha!) I have even been known to cry at sad cartoons. The kids always do a "tear check" whenever we watch anything that is even slightly sad. Or when something special happens, like that birthday! Kathy had us over for dinner and cake and I recieved nice gifts. And as usual my kids added their own character to things (Chantelle's beautiful smile and Alex hamming it up...bow, pinky and all!).

Chantelle and Alex, I love you guys VERY MUCH! Thanks for being the great kids you are. Thank you for your love and understanding.

Love to all, Mic/Mom

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