Monday, October 8, 2007

Notre Dame was never so blessed!

Deb, thanks for the pictures you sent me. I chose this one, since Les and Steph are in it and I already have one of you and Telle. The Notre Dame Cathedral was never adorned so lovely as it was at that moment. :) If I recall correctly, Les, Steph and Eric went sometime in July of this year. As it turns out, the group they travelled with included the wife of one of the guys I work with.


Anonymous said...

testing comments

Anonymous said...

So, have to tell you, it was really great to see Les, Stephanie, & Eric! I think the last time was at Dad's in 2005! Les, Steph, Eric and I made it all the way to the top level of the cathedral. No easy effort as the stairway was extremely narrow and winding...whatever you do, don't look at your feet when your get dizzy and you'd never make it!

Michele Maddix said...

Chantelle would have a problem with that. She is not too keen on heights. Although she says she would like to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, she might change her mind if the opportunity presents itself. That is cool that you guys got to visit while they were there. I don't remember when the last time I saw you was. Now, THAT is a sin! And Les lives right here and the last time I think I saw her was almost a year ago at Thanksgiving. Also a sin!

I was hoping with this blog to have more frequent contact with more of the family. Everyone is so busy in his/her own life that I thought a central place to write and inform each other about our lives was the best way to try to accomplish more communication. I'm happy with the results, although I wish more of the family would participate. In time, maybe.

Unknown said...

Hi loved ones,

This is Herb.

I hope that this finds you all well, healthy and happy.

I want to contribute to this but I am a bit confused. How do I post a new comment without adding it to an existing post?

Michele Maddix said...

Hi Herb. You can't really. You kind of just have to add where you can. I try to keep up on the posts and respond to them (like I am doing with yours now), by just adding to the comments. If you have something particular you would like to post send it to my aol address (since i check it much more often) or the one listed with my profile when you click on it from this blog's homepage and I will make it into a post of its own.

Glad you joined in too. This is getting really cool.

Anonymous said...

Hey Herb! Just realized you joined...the more the merrier!