Sunday, October 28, 2007

Some pictures

Here are some pics of Keith, Tracy and Brendon. Thanks for sharing them, Keith. They are great pictures! (Now that I've had a bit more practice in adding pictures, I will add some more that others sent me. But, right now, homework beckons! Yippee!!)


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Michele!

Oh, by the way, we have another little one on the way. Estimated date of arrival: May 19, 2008!

Love to all ~

Keith, Tracy & Brendon

Michele Maddix said...

What fantastic news!! Congratulations! Maybe a girl this time. Are you going to find out? Oh, that is just wonderful!

Michele Maddix said...

Hmmm...I posted all 3 pics you sent me on the blog but now I only see 2. Very strange. I know they were there just before 3 o'clock this after noon (it now being almost 9p) because I showed them to my kids along with the rest of my blog. I will have to look into that further.

Anonymous said...

Oh, now I see it was just my dinosaur-of-a-laptop that wasn't able to handle the workload. Plus its virus scan was going, so maybe that had something to do with it

Anonymous said...


Congratulations on baby number two! How exciting! Thanks for sharing the pics of Tracy, you and Brendon!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Keith, Tracy & Brendon!! May I have Brendon's autograph? Will he remember the small people when he is rich & famous?? What a cutie!!