Thursday, October 25, 2007

A personal thank you

I just want to say thank you to all of you for the contributions you are making to make this blog something really fun. It is such a sanity saver when I am feeling down and having a rough time coping with all I have "on my plate". I look forward to seeing the comments and receiving your emails with stuff to put on the blog. (I admit, I often read them more than once because I gain a sense of comfort from them). They give me encouragement to keep doing it, despite my grueling schedule, and help make me feel more balanced in a way. Sound goofy? Probably, but it is how I feel.

Thank you so much!


Anonymous said...

You're welcome,'s kind fun to reminisce this way...oh, btw how come you don't those secretary type glasses any you did when you were 5 or so...I thought it was a timeless look!!! (I'll find the picture of you soon)

Michele Maddix said...

Not the cat-eye ones? I don't remember others, although I know there were others (there HAD to be)

That is TIMELESSLY funny!!! ha ha ha ha ha

If you saw my current glasses you might withhold that statement. They are rectangular. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all...enjoy your Turkey. I had mine with Dad and Inge. While there I looked up the National WWII memorial site Leslie registered's there. Dad received a note from Les while I was there to tell him of the registration and send him a copy of the information. Both he and Inge liked a lot. Later Dad didn't think he would follow up on Leslie's request for more info but I think (I hope) I talked him into it. Guess time will tell.

Take care and love to all.
