Thursday, October 4, 2007

Mahna Mahna

Can anyone guess why I put this video clip on the blog?

(aside from testing the video posting feature and that

it is a cutie...and I think hilarious...little clip). I find

I have to click the 'play' arrow in the center of the video box

twice to play it. You might have to too.


Anonymous said...

Loved Mahna Mahna...never really knew how to spell it...thanks for that! It had me singing along...still am!!!

Michele Maddix said...

Deb, I was wondering if you would realize why I put it up. Do you remember you and I singing it together when I was little?

I also remember when you would scare me, like, at the top of the stairs in the house on Rt3. Remember that? Fun times.

Yeah, it's a catchy tune. One of those that you can't get out of your head once it's in there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember it very well!! After I heard it I sang it at works for some folks and then we started reminiscing about the Muppets. Sorry about scaring you; not one of my finest moments! I never liked being scared so I can imagine how you felt!

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone! Remember the song...the other day, I saw a bear...the first time I heard that was on the bus where Michele helped us pass the time...forget where but I think it was in Florida. Do you remember Mic?

Michele Maddix said...

I do remember that song.

Do you mean when you brought me to Disney World with your friend and her 2 kids? I don't remember singing that song then, but, then, your memory for that would probably be much better. I'm glad to have helped pass the time, if I did. ha ha ha!

If you go to and type in: the other day I saw a bear, there is a video of a little boy singing one version of the song. The tune is exactly the same, but the words are slightly different.

It was always a fun song though!

Oh, and the is a good memory, because you made me laugh when you did it. You never did it to really frighten me; it was all in good fun. I would say it was more of a surprise than a fright! ha ha ha