Monday, October 1, 2007


The other day at work, one of the "guys" came across a person whose last name was Lapham. It peaked my interest because, upon hearing the name, I recalled the Laphams we knew in our younger years, the owners (?) of the Sunrise Lounge, and owners (?) of the house we lived in right next to that bar.

Deb, remember that picture of you with a German shepard? Was that their dog?

The other thing it made me recall was the evening we watched a strange object in the sky over the parking lot of that bar. Does anyone else remember it? I remember feeling scared. Or am I hallucinating all that?

This last memory led me to remembering an evening at work, several years ago, during which I got a call from Tim and Karen. (Tim was staying at Karen's house on the Wallace Hill Rd. then.) They had called me to tell me that in the sky behind Karen's house, in a northerly direction they saw a round orange object hovering in the sky. (No it wasn't the sun! ha ha ha!) Now, not long before that I received a call from a female on the Stafford Rd, reporting the same thing. I referred the woman to a number in our Rolodex for UFO sightings, then dismissed it from thought (I get a lot of crackpots that call me there!), until that call from Tim. It was a creepy ride home that night, thinking of that evenings happenings.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the current photos of the Chantelle and's been so long since I've seen them. They are both growing up nicely.

Michele Maddix said...

You're welcome. Glad you liked them.

Anonymous said...

Lapham's werer the owners...I remember one picture with the German Shepard..I think it was of Keith though...I'll have to find and scan it. I tried to post some comments about seeing strange objects. I do remember what you described but I also more vividly remember a time in Ravena when we were playing outside and this oval object hovered over the Rarick's pond...near electrically wires. We watched it for quite awhile. Does anyone else remember was in 1961 so Mic, Karen, Keith & Karen probably wouldn't have any recollection. Weird stuff!

Michele Maddix said...

Then there must be more than one pic with the shepard, because you were standing near the garage at the Rt3 house (in the dirt area where the basketball net was set up), bending over posing with the dog for a picture. I think you had a red shirt on. And, I remember your hair was long (shoulder length) because it hung down as you were bending over.

I have never seen the one with Keith. You have it?

Anonymous said...

I believe I do have that photo...I remember it clearly because he has a knitted hat pulled over his ears and this black rimmed glasses on and this oh so serious look...I'll try to find it.

Michele Maddix said...

Wow! I don't recall that picture at all. Maybe once I see it it will look familiar.

Anonymous said...

I never had a serious look in my life!

Irritated, concerned, even pissy, perhaps...but NEVER serious!

Michele Maddix said...

You're funny, Keith!

Anonymous said...

Keith...I think it was your "It's a free world and I can do whatever I want" look! :)

or the dog had just peed on your leg!

Michele Maddix said...

ha ha ha! damned dog!! :)