Friday, September 7, 2007

Playing with technology

Saying as I am technically challenged in certain ways, I have decided to do a practice blog in preparation for what I hope will be a blog of a trip with my kids (Chantelle and Alex) to England next summer (June-July 2008) to see my sister Debbie. I thought it would be fun to share our experience as it is unfolding and what better way to do that than on the web, where all our friends and family can see it.

So on this practice blog I will try my hand at photos and video in some of my posts to get ready for the big "experiment". Am I starting very early? Perhaps. But given my lack of savvy with such things (I am lucky to have figured the blog set up...ha ha ha), it is best to give myself LOTS of time. Also, because attending grad school takes up much of my time, starting now will allow me not to feel rushed as trip time approaches.

Another thing I just thought of: I am hoping that some of my siblings might share information and their photos (both of our birth family and of their own families) as a way to share memories and to keep all the family members up-to-date about what is currently happening in the lives of each of us.

And to my siblings: I know at least one of you has an old group pic of the Fowler family. I would like to put it in one of my early posts. Could you please scan it and email it to me so that I can include it in one of my beginning posts? Or if you care to lend me the photo, I will do the scanning myself and send back the photo promptly. And if Dad and Inga don't have a computer and internet access already, maybe we could come up with something collectively so that they, too, can see the blog. I would love for them to be able to share in it.

p.s. I know the pink is really "girly"...indulge me, please! Oh! "Shelly" comes from some people at work and it goes better with "sojourn" than "Mic" does. But, I'll answer to either ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

testing setting change on comments. let's see if I set it up correctly so that you guys can use your regular email accounts instead of having to set up a google one.