Friday, September 21, 2007

Visit to NC this past Spring

For those of you who haven't seen Dad in awhile, here is a picture of him and Inge I took while visiting them in February of this year. This visit was the first time I had seen Dad in over a decade (nearly 2 decades, actually). Inge is a wonderful, generous person, and I consider myself fortunate to have gotten to know her better. One day while there, she and I did a bit of adventuring. We went to a gift shop on the outside of Lexington, then checked out a winery on the way back. There we bought some homemade salsa, which we shared later on that evening with the German beers she opened for the two of us and some tortilla chips. After Dad had retired for the evening, it was just us two ladies kickin' back, watchin' the "tube". I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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