Thursday, September 13, 2007

Slap, clap, snap...

I was lying in bed last night, restless and with lots on my mind. Trying to find a way to sleep, I considered what my next post would be. I lay there remembering bits of family history (well, the bits I know from my perspective) and into my head popped the following moment. All of us (or at least as many as I can recall) were sitting at the kitchen table (Remember the white formica with gold flecks?) at the old house on Rt 3, here in Plattsburgh (which has long since been torn down). From my little kid's memory, that table seemed to stretch a mile long and the number of individuals around it too many to count. And we were playing a game in which each of us simultaneously slapped our hands on our thighs, then clapped twice, then snapped the fingers of each hand in the same rhythm as the two slaps and two claps, and then one of us had to say something. I don't remember what it was that we had to say, but I do remember that whatever was said bounced around randomly from individual to individual who had to change it in some way before the next person went on to say it. In between each person saying whatever it was, there was another round of the double slaps, double claps and two snaps. It was sort of a fast-paced game once it got going and each person had to pay close attention because if they weren't quick enough to pick up on their turn to speak, and do so correctly without any mistake, then they had to drop out of the game. I think (now, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong...since my memory is fuzzy) that the game came from the t.v. show ZOOM (Remember that on PBS??) Anyway, it was a fond memory of us kids and Mom and Dad laughing and having a good time together. At least that is how I remember it.

That memory led me thinking of the above family photo I wanted to put here. I had forgotten that I already had a copy of the photo I was thinking of (thanks to Les or Karen, I think...sorry I don't remember exactly who gave it to me).
I know we all know who we are in the photo, but for my kids and my friends I will tell who is who.
Back row, standing behind the couch, left to right: Rick, Chris, Kevin
Middle row, sitting on the couch, l to r: Mike, Mom (Patricia), Dad (Arthur), Art Jr. and ME (waving and sporting the then-oh-so-mod cat-eye glasses...oooh. ha ha ha! What were the fashion optical gurus tripping on when then came up with those??? ha ha ha!)
Front row, sitting on the floor, l to r: Keith, Les, Karen, Herb, Tim and Debbie

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