Sunday, September 16, 2007

A message from Debbie

Hi To All!

Michele I think this is a neat thing you did and by the time you visit me next summer you'll be a pro and I promise, it will be well worth your efforts.

I have tons of pictures during our younger years and once I get something to scan them with I will send. Unfortunately, we don't have Walmart here to help with that project. Anyway, I do remember all of us playing that was so much fun. I also remember the numerous games of wiffle ball, volleyball and running/skating in the swamp in Ravena. Kevin and Chris so remember the staff fight they had on that tree that had fallen into the swamp. Black muck never looked so good on any other trio as it did us!!! And what about those vines and swinging across the road!!!

Hi to all! Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks again, Michele!


Michele Maddix said...

Deb, thanks for that message. This is cooler than I anticipated, because there are SO many stories about all my brothers and sisters that I have never heard and it will be a joy to read them. Did you get in trouble for getting swamp muck all over you? How funny! And swinging across the road? You MUST have caught hell for that! Ha ha ha!

Unknown said...

A message from Karen
My favorite things to do growing up had to be making bows & arrows and hurling apples on the end of sticks and scaring the crap out of the chickens in the coop at Gerstenberg's(SP)!! The many treks into the woods and sledding were fun too!
Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...the bows and arrows...they were STILL in the making when I came along. I remember what the branches looked like that we used but not the name of the kind of tree they came from. Speaking of treks into the woods. Does anyone remember when I got stung by a bee right in the middle of my forehead during one of those treks in the woods behind the house on Rt 3? I think my exclamation was "They got me!!" Ha ha ha!! Wasn't that it?

Anonymous said...

Hey all - It's Kevin! I hope you all are doing well. I was the recipient of some of dad's discipline for the muck incident. The white shirt I mistakenly worry (after church) had a line above which was pure white below was pure muck. I lost the staff fight. I still have a wonderful love of the woods though and will be doing a 15 mile hike on trails in the local park. It will be a great time. Hope all is well with everyone. Take care and all my Love.

Michele Maddix said...

Hi Kev! Thanks for coming and sharing with us. I love how you worded that "some of Dad's discipline". I have no doubt there was ample to go around for that. ha ha ha! Hope you have an enjoyable hike.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so many of us should remember the green apple fights...little sticks, hard green apples and chucking them at each other. Also, climbing up in the apple tree by the end of the driveway and pitching the apples down on unsuspecting cars...of course, those of us on the lower branches always caught the blame when we knew the ones at the top had the biggest impact!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay...have to ask; am I the only one that remembers seeing the UFO down by the Rarick's house in Ravena back in 1961...we were outside playing wiffle ball or something when we saw it...actually, of all that have added to the blog only Kevin might remember...Rick, Chris & Mike were there...Noooo, I was not hallucinating! :)

Anonymous said...

Since I'm on a roll tonight, I think Kevin & Chris were swinging across Dean's Mills Road on the vine when who do you think drove by on his way home from work...yep, Dad!! Of course, I was hidden but he got out of the car and told them (use) to get home!!! We had place there called Pine Cone Hill! Kev, do you remember??

Michele Maddix said...

I remember the little green apples around the place on Rt 3, because I wanted to eat them. But, I think you are talking about Ravena, right? Did the sticks increase the velocity of them or something? Ha ha ha!

"of course, those of us on the lower branches always caught the blame when we knew the ones at the top had the biggest impact!!!" Well, of course! What is that saying? "S*%t slides downhill" ha ha ha

boy, the UFO's liked us! or we are all just crazy as loons! :)

I HAVE to ask. What kind of vines were those that could hold a kid suspended from probably, what?, 20-30 feet from a tree and not break while being swung on??

I love reading theses stories. You guys were animals...nah, just kiddin'!